Connect The Mind To The Body

   By Jeff  Millet

I have been a personal trainer / coach for 15 years now. 

Over the years, I have noticed that some clients buy in, get in shape, and see changes, while some do not.

I have also noticed this in myself.  I go through phases of being totally committed to my health, to sliding off and being less focused.

I have been spending a lot of time lately, thinking and learning about different ways to help my clients, and myself, get and stay fit. 

What I have realized for myself, and now want to share and coach others to do, is to look at fitness through a different lens.

Most of us look at being in shape, as this thing, that is separate from us.

Yet I have come to realize that mind and body are not separate. 

They are one.

We can not separate ourselves from our bodies.

We are collectively our mind, body, emotions, spirit, environment, relationships, nutrition, bacteria, etc.

Everything is working together to move us forward or backwards.

Therefore having a healthy body, requires us to have a healthy mindset and spirit.

So what does this all mean:

To me it has meant shifting what my concept of what healthy means.

I have been spending more time focusing on all aspects of who I am, not just the body.

One of the biggest shifts for me, has been to sit quietly every morning for 20 minutes.

You can call it what you want, meditating, sitting, personal reflection etc. 

But what this practice does for me, is it quiets all the external noise in my head.

It allows me to sit and hear my inner voice. 

During these quiet times, I can think more clearly about who I am and what I want.

I feel the first step is being able to hear and acknowledge your true self/ voice, so you know what to align your actions with.

Then it becomes easier to figure out what path to take, what daily decisions to make, what food to eat, what exercise to do, and how to treat people.

It is far too easy to just react and go through the motions every day. 

We need to stop and ask ourselves.... is this in alignment with who I am and what I want?

Making the right decisions to live in health, becomes much easier.

And the more we act in alignment with our true self, the more healthy the whole system becomes. 

We start to feel better about ourselves. The more complete and in align we feel.

So i leave you with this.

Focus on the whole system. It is all you. You cant neglect part of who you are, and feel complete.

Being healthy is not just a body / exercise/ nutrition thing. 

To thrive and live in health, we must cultivate the whole system.

  • Eat real, unprocessed foods.

  • Consume less sugar

  • Sleep and rest enough

  • Have Love and compassion for self and others.

  • Move our bodies / exercise.

  • Make quiet space for ourselves, to hear our inner voice.

  • Act in accordance to our true nature.

I hope this helps you,

Live Healthy and Happy   

Jeff Millet

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