What Makes An Athlete Elite?

All competitive athletes, strive to be Elite.

You / they strive to stand out from the competition and perform at

their highest ability.  

But what makes an athlete Elite?  makes them stand out.

There are many things that make an athlete Elite.

They must have a mastery of their skill set.

They must have mental strength and resilience.

They must outwork their opponents.

They must be stronger, smarter, be more determined, have more grit, 

and put in hours honing your craft / sport.

Good genetics will get you by until you reach a certain level.

But at some point, the athlete will need to decide that, if they want to 

become elite or they want to continue being elite and standing out from 

the competition, they will need to commit to consistently getting stronger, 

faster, more powerful, and more injury resistant.  

One of the biggest things that will allow an athlete to stand out from their 

peers, is their mental and physical presence on the playing field.  Yet, 

this is one of the things most youth athletes neglect, or put little effort 


Countless thousands of hours and dollars are invested into playing select 

ball and pay to play tournaments, but the select few, figure out that sport 

specific, strength training will catapult you mentally and physically above 

the rest.

Being on a consistent strength training schedule prepares your body for 

the long hours and demands your sport asks of you. 

It also prepares your mind to know what it feels like, to dig deep when 

your tired, hurting, and the game is on the line.  

When you put yourself in a situation, week after week, asking your body 

to push through difficult times, it builds a sense of cofidence and 

assurance in oneself. 

You can visibly see the difference in the athletes that prepare their bodies 

through strength training.  You can see it in their physique, the way they 

carry themselves, and their performance on the field.  

And guess what, so can college and pro scouts.  They look for talent and 

the numbers you put up, but they also can recognize will power, strength, 

work ethic, and commitment, just by looking at you.

If you want to be elite and or stay elite, you need to be a sport specific 

strength training program.

Northcore has been providing this kind of service and experience to some 

of the most elite athletes in the Northwest for 8 years. 

Click the link below to learn more about how we can help you be Elite.
